Building Blocks for Tone and Technique
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Done with your beginning book?
Not quite ready for advanced books?
Here’s your answer!
In this book (150 pages) you’ll find:
• Lip Slurs – to refine embouchure control
• Pattern-Building – for facility and understanding
• Lyrical Legato – to build a beautiful singing sound
• Varied Articulation – for clarity and technique
• Simple Tunes – for enjoyment and ‘key sense’
Not just a copy of the trombone book! Euphonium-specific elements include:
- Fingering exercises
- Lip bending exercises
- Introduction to B-flat treble clef
- Discussion of the 4th valve (and compensating euphoniums)
- Extra practice with the chromatic scale
Duet parts for 100 of these etudes are available to purchase as a download.
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Purchase (duet parts)
If you have the trombone duet parts, no need to purchase these duet parts. They are largely the same.